It needs a bit more black

Petr Beneš

Born in 1958 in Brno. Petr Beneš has been self-teaching painting since 1983. He started exhibiting in 1993. A number of his paintings have found their way to private collectors from England, France, Germany, Russia, Austria and Slovakia.

I started painting from curiosity. I wanted to explore painting and also myself. Very gradually, I began to grasp different techniques and styles of painting and absorb the theory and history of art. I still enjoy it. With time, I learned that I can work more intuitively, without a clear idea, model, or detailed plan for a painting. However, it is not possible to be rational and intuitive at the same time. I needed to set regular thinking aside. I used "my discovery" made during my Zen practice: absolute focus can turn off both thinking and self-awareness and replace it with intense perception and experiencing. In that way, I can "step into" a painting, move inside it and then "step out". And, from the "stepped out" perspective certain shapes begin to make sense while others are more abstract. I got used to associating painting with mental exercise. Petr Beneš

Petr Beneš Petr Beneš Petr Beneš Petr Beneš Petr Beneš Petr Beneš
Vienna, Zum blauen Pfau2022
Říčany, Galerie Kotelna2014
Tábor, Galerie UMAUMA2013
Kutná Hora, Dobrá čajovna2013
Kutná Hora, Salon Kutnohorských výtvarníků, Galerie Felixe Jeneweina2011
Říčany, Galerie Kotelna2009 - 2013
Praha, Club Exit2008
Čáslav, exhibition hall2008
České Budějovice, museum, 11. International Intersalon2007
Poděbrady, Galerie L. Kuby2007
Světlá nad Sázavou, Galerie Na Půdě2007
Tišnov, Galerie Josefa Jambora2006
Bílina, IV. Salon Sdružení výtvarníků2006
Zásmuky, castle2005, 2010
Praha, café Paleta2005
Praha, theatre Akcent2005
Kolín, Galerie V Zahradě2005
Kladno, Kladenské dvorky2005
Sázava, Exhibition hall U Martina2004
Český Brod, Galerie Šatlava2004
Ledeč nad Sázavou, castle2004
Benešov, tea room2004
Vlašim, tea room2003, 2004
Pečky, Městská knihovna2003, 2005
Kolín, Galerie u Kláštera2003, 2007
Kersko, Lesní ateliér Kuba2002
Uhlířské Janovice, Minigalerie KIC2000 - 2004
Klášterec nad Ohří1993